CSE 430w - Computer Engineering Senior Design Project

Choose a date (left is the oldest)

1. 2/11

2. 2/28

3. 3/5

4. 3/19

5. 3/25

6. 4/7

7. 4/6

8. 4/8

1. 4/22

2. 4/25

3. 4/30

4. 4/30(2)

5. 5/1

6. 5/1(2)

7. 5/2

T.J.'s pics ... from throughout the project.
Teems's foot and the bot...trying to track a line.
Jeremy workin' on the bot.
Jeremy, going cross-eyed.
Field tests.
Field tests continue.
Rocco ... deserter for another team, or casual observer?
Welcome to CSE, here are your tour guides.
Takin' the servos apart.
Trying to explain and idea and someone keeps taking pictures.
I've been in the lab wayyyyy too long.

What Justin's saying: "Yes, yes, very interesting, Jeremy."

What he's thinking: "......combos."

Justin, putting the microcontroller on the bot
More field tests ... track, track, track.


(caption submitted by T.J. Cleary)
T.J. again pretending to look busy.
Damn this assembly!
Life support? ...check; power? ...check; heartbeat? ...negative.
Jeremy gettin' his wirewrap-on.
Jeremy, just before T.J. disappeared forever.

Video: Robot test for turning.

Video: Robot test for turning right.

Photos and videos from this section submitted by T.J. Cleary.

Added April 8, 2003.