CSE 430w - Computer Engineering Senior Design Project

Choose a date (left is the oldest)

1. 2/11

2. 2/28

3. 3/5

4. 3/19

5. 3/25

6. 4/7

7. 4/6

8. 4/8

1. 4/22

2. 4/25

3. 4/30

4. 4/30(2)

5. 5/1

6. 5/1(2)

7. 5/2

Competition, Day 1
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Our robot on display; the final form.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Dr. Coraor greets the dominoes with extreme prejudice.


4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Dr. Dunn, doing his thing.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Another bot, dig the teeth..
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Another bot; this definitely wins the big-wheel contest (or would, if there was one).
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: The Matrix bot -- our big competitor it turns out.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: A shot of the other robots.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Robots on display.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Kurt posin' with his bot.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Gearin' up before the competition is in full force.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: A few more spectators.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Jeremy, not paying attention to the camera.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: Teems is keeping our sponsors happy.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: There's three levels to Kunkle Loung, all the balconies covered with spectators.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: The crowd.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: All the spectators watching intently.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: T.J. -- just because he was being a tool with his camera.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: 'The Dirty Dozen' (team 12) with our honorary member, Dr. Coraor.
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: The 'Ghetto Bot.'
4/30/03: Competition, Day 1: More bots on display.